Mémoires de la Société Néophilologique de Helsinki (ISSN 0355-0192, e-ISSN 2984-0961) is a monograph series, published by the Modern Language Society since 1893. Starting in 2023, the series is published as open access electronic books.
The series is indexed in Linguistics Abstracts Online, the MLA International Bibliography, The Year’s Work in Modern Language Studies, and Ulrich's Web.
Proposals for books to be published in the series should be sent directly to the board of the society (ufy-hallitus(at)helsinki.fi). Proposals should include a preliminary schedule for the book.
The open access electronic volumes can be accessed at http://edition.fi/ufy. Old print volumes in the series can be ordered from the Tiedekirja bookstore (Snellmaninkatu 13, 00170 Helsinki, Finland; http://www.tiedekirja.fi.
The latest publications
TOME CXII (2024, 277 pp.): Multilingualism and Language Variation in English across Genres and RegistersA Festschrift in Honour of Päivi Pahta. Ed. by Jenni Räikkönen, Carla Suhr, Minna Palander-Collin, Arja Nurmi, Minna Nevala & Turo Hiltunen.
TOME CXI (2024, 257 pp.): Sprache der Gegenwart – Sprache für die Zukunft: Akten des 57. Linguistischen Kolloquiums. Ed. by Arja Nurmi, Maija Hirvonen, Marja Kivilehto, Dinah Krenzler-Behm, Henrik Oksanen, Dieter Hermann Schmitz & Anu Viljanmaa.
TOME CX (2023, 296 pp.): Texte, Traditionen und Transformationen: Begegnungen zwischen Finnland und dem deutschsprachigen Raum. Ed. by Leena Kolehmainen, Marja Järventausta, Pekka Kujamäki & Marko Pantermöller.
TOME CIX (2022, 150 pp., 35 €): Writing Literary Worlds in a Foreign Language. Proceedings of the Seminar, Helsinki, September 24, 2021. Ed. by Enrico Garavelli, Christian Rink, Begoña Sanromán Vilas & Elina Suomela-Härmä.
TOME CVIII (2022, 334 pp., 50 €): Kontakte, Kontraste und Kooperationen: Begegnungen zwischen Finnland und dem deutschsprachigen Raum. Beiträge der Kick-off-Tagung des Forschungsnetzwerks FI-DACH vom 13.–14.2.2020 in Köln. Ed. by Marja Järventausta, Leena Kolehmainen, Pekka Kujamäki & Marko Pantermöller.
TOME CVII (2020, 333 pp., 50 €): Italianistica 2.0. Tradizione e innovazione. Atti del XII Congresso degli Italianisti della Scandinavia Helsinki-Tallinn, 13-14 giugno 2019. Ed. by Enrico Garavelli, Daniele Montocelli, Ülar Ploom & Elina Suomela-Härmä.
TOME CVI (2020, 129 pp., 35 €: Living in a Political World. Social Commentary from Singer-Songwriters to Rap. Ed. by Hans Giessen.
TOME CV (2020, 213 pp., 45 €: Finland's Door to Europe / Finnlands Tür nach Europa / Una porta per l'Europa / Les portes de la Finlande sur l'Europe / La apertura de la Finlandia a Europa. Ed. by Enrico Garavelli & Juhani Härmä.
TOME CIV (2019, 139 pp., 35 €: Sources du savoir, sources de l'information, sources de l'énonciation. Ed. by Simo Määttä, Mélanie Buchart & Aslak Djupsjö.
TOME CIII (2018, 249 pp., 45 €: Semi-Lexicality: Studies on Light Verbs, Periphrases and Other Constructions. Ed. by Begoña Sanromán Vilas.
TOME CII (2018, 196 pp., 45 €: Writing Letters, Typologies, Utilisation, Corpora. Ed. by Enrico Garavelli & Hartmut Lenk.